AVserv can deliver a complete avionics design, build and support service.  With the aid of our router, we are able to design and cut panels for new or existing aircraft, in order to upgrade an existing panel. 

We are also partnered with some of the leading avionic suppliers who are extremely innovative in the design and functionality of their products. 

We all understand how stressful it is when radios or flight instruments do not perform as expected and for this reason, we take great care to consider a lot of factors before offering a solution.


EFIS – Electronic Flight Instrument System

As the cost of glass/EFIS systems become more affordable, an increasing number of builders are opting for these feature rich systems. The new EFIS systems provide a lot of information to the pilot while on the ground and in flight and these panels are customisable in how this information is presented. 

We can advise what may suit your project best in regards to the style of flying you intend to carry out.


EMS – Engine Management System

With more hi-tech power plants becoming available to propel your project through the air, the builder can now choose whether to have a Mag and Carb type of engine or opt for a computer controlled system.  Engine designers are now taking advantage of computers to extract that extra horsepower and fuel economy we all desire. 

EMS systems can be as simple as a CDI ignition to full blown total control systems.  Again, we can help to design a system that best suits your needs, along with tuning the engine to get the most from it.


The electrical system carries the lifeblood (energy and data) throughout your aircraft.  Without this energy most, if not all of your fancy new flight panel and comms, will cease to talk to you.  We can never stress enough the importance of constructing a robust, well-planned network.  

Most home-built aircraft fail due to either electrical or fuel issues. And while this sounds dramatic, it’s true. What looks good while on the ground may not work in the air, where stresses and other forces come into play. Talk to us and let’s plan a reliable system that you can construct - or we can construct for you.


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